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Regenerative Medicine 

Regenerative Medicine is an important piece of the Red Sage puzzle. We work closely with your practitioner to formulate the best plan for your pet-- utilizing therapies to reduce pain and stimulate healing utilizing the body's own cells and proteins. 

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What is regenerative Medicine? 

This group of treatments use the body’s own cells and proteins to promote healing. Cells can be harvested from a patient by either a simple blood draw or through harvesting of bone marrow and using cutting edge technology, the cells and proteins are specially prepared for therapeutic use.  The preparations are then injected into joints and soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments to help facilitate healing, control inflammation, and promote long-term joint/tissue health.


What does regenerative medicine include? 

Red Sage's Regenerative Medicine department includes:


Shock Wave Therapy 

Stem Cell Harvests

Joint Injections

Intravenous Stem Cell Injections 

Ketamine Therapy

Epidural Injections


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